The Guangdong citrus industry revitalization and scientific deal with the Huanglong Disease Seminar took place on April 13. During the seminar, Song Yonglin, KIWA’s directors, deputy president, and general manager of the Technology Promotion Center delivered a speech “Eco-friendly Soil to Help Citrus Revitalization”. In afternoon, on the occasion of the on-site strategic cooperation and exchange conference on the theme of “Healthy Farmland, Eco-friendly Soil”, KIWA has friendly exchanges with growers and distributors from all over the country and seeks harmless agricultural development.
The Southern Agricultural News reported an article theme with “loss 4 billion yuan a year! Farmers in Guangdong still want to plant citrus and they also need to plant citrus! The planting area was once reduced by 40%, and the citrus industry in Guangdong is finally going to be rejuvenated” .
Resource:Southern Rural Newspaper
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